Bench vs. Field Varieties of English Springer Spaniels

Prospective buyers should be aware that there are two distinct varieties of English Springer Spaniels: Bench and Field.

Reagan and Thatcher are both bench variety English Springer Spaniels. 

It has often been remarked that field and bench variety English Springer Spaniels are about as different as two dogs within a single breed can be without being two separate breeds. 

In fact, the differences are so great that they probably should be considered two separate breeds by the American Kennel Club - however, they are not.

This means that Reagan's and Thatcher's breeding is to conform to the breed standard for show dogs and to serve as family dogs as opposed to hunters. 

It may be possible to train their puppies to be hunters, but prospective buyers need to be made aware that this is not what bench variety English Springer Spaniels are typically known for.

Field variety English Springer Spaniels are slightly smaller, have shorter hair, and are even more energetic than their bench variety cousins.

English Springer Spaniel (Bench Variety)

English Springer Spaniel (Field Variety)

English Springer Spaniel (Bench Variety)

English Springer Spaniel (Field Variety)